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Template Letters
to Support Your Disability

Template or sample letters can provide a starting point to communicating with statutory authorities about issues affecting either yourself or as a parent of a disabled child.

If you copy and paste the letter(s) into a Word document you can then personalise the letter with your own additions and information.

Do remember to either save your copy of the letter or print a copy for your reference.

Listed below are a collection of template letters from different organisations on a range of topics and letters on specific disability laws and issues.



Cerebra have created a series of template letters to help families write to their local council or other statutory services.

There are different letter templates for England, Scotland and Wales and they cover a range of topics.

The letters may be downloaded from the Cerebra website


It has created:

Three template letters to challenge decisions if your access to free childcare for 2 to 4 years olds has been denied.

  • Challenging a failure to make reasonable adjustments by a childcare provider
  • Requesting ‘top up’ funding from a local authority when there is no legal duty on the childcare provider to make a reasonable adjustment.
  • Challenging a local authority’s failure to make sure there is enough childcare provision in its area.

There are also two template letters for parents affected by the Bedroom Tax:

  • For privately rented housing
  • For Social housing

Contact has a useful You Tube channel with presentations and webinars on many issues affecting disabled children.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice has a large number of sample letters covering consumer rights, debt, money, healthcare, housing and work.

They include:

Letters can be found on the Citizens Advice website - Use Search box (separate websites for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)



 IPSEA provide a number of model letters to different situations parents may encounter with their local authority.

The template letters cover the following areas....

  • EHC needs assessments
  • Amending EHC plans
  • Annual reviews
  • Making a complaint about educational provision
  • Making a complaint about LA failures following conclusion of an appeal
  • Transition from Statements to EHC plans
  • Asking for help in exams
  • Asking the school and LA for information

The model letters can be accessed through the “What you need to know” section


National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society has a number of template letters for writing to your local authority or the Department of Work and Pensions.

The letters include:

  • Request for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan in England
  • Request for a Statutory Assessment in Wales
  • Request for an assessment for a child in Northern Ireland
  • Request for an assessment for a child in Scotland
  • Request for housing support for a child

All template letters can be found at

Disability Laws and Issues

Disability Discrimination

Epilepsy Action have produced a template disability discrimination letter referring to the Equality Act 2010

A Word document can be downloaded from the About Us section of the Epilepsy Action website

Action on Hearing Loss provides guidelines for writing a complaint letter if you have experienced poor service or other forms of discrimination.

Details can be found in the Rights and Benefits section of the Action on Hearing Loss website


Health and Social Care Law 

The solicitors Irwin Mitchell have produced a number of template letters and guidance information that can be downloaded from their website

They include:

  • Challenging a refusal to assess your disabled child for specialist services
  • Rights to NHS Funded Treatment – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy
  • Request for S47 Assessment of Needs
  • Request to consider eligibility for Community Care Support


Shelter offer template letters to your landlord or local council about tenancy deposits, repairs, homelessness or housing benefit.  There is a separate website for England and Scotland.

Citizens Advice provides sample letters on housing repairs.

Housing Rights for Northern Ireland have a letter generator to help you write letters to your landlord or housing association.



Working Families have created a template letter on requesting flexible working under the 80F Employment Rights Act 1996.

Best Interest Decisions

A new tool has been produced to help ensure families are involved in Best Interest Decisions. Ambitious about Autism, Mencap and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation have worked with Irwin Mitchell Solicitors to create a useful resource highlighting the rights of families under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

This free tool includes a downloadable leaflet and two template letters, available from the Irwin Mitchell website.

It aims to support parents who are concerned that they are not being properly consulted about decisions that social care or health professionals are making about their son or daughter from the age of 18.

These may be decisions about where the person lives, what care they are getting, how they spend their time, or medical treatment.

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