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The Powell Family Foundation

Helps children and young people with a visual impairment up to 25 years. It offers grants to individuals and charitable/not-for-profit organisations registered in the UK.

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Molly Ollys

Molly Ollys supports children (aged 0-18 years) with life threatening illness and their families. It offers gifts/wishes to the children and donates therapeutic toys and books.

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Mitchell's Miracles

Mitchell's Miracles supports parents/carers with a child affected by Neuroblastoma childhood Cancer. It is able with financial and emotional support.

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Make Them Smile

Assists children and young adults (18 years and under) living in the UK with an adverse medical condition. It will help fund medical equipment, hospital travel costs as well as respite breaks.

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Kayleigh's Wee Stars

Offers financial support for families where a child has a terminal illness in Scotland. Applications from health professionals only.

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Just 4 Children

Financial assistance for children (up to 25 years) and their families in the UK and Ireland.

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ACT (Actors Children's Trust

ACT (Actors Children's Trust) supports SEND children of professional actors with a range of grants to help your child up to 26 years.

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The Rob George Foundation

Provides funding for young people with life threatening or terminal illnesses. It also provides financial support to young people with exceptional commitment and/or ability to sport or the performing arts.

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The Danny Green Fund

Helps children who have or are recovering from posterior Fossa Syndrome (Cerebellar Mutism) with therapies and equipment.

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Rainy Day Trust

Provides financial support to people who have worked in the UK's home improvement and enhancement industry. This includes apprentices enter the industry.

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Disability Grants News - November 2024

Just Released! The November 2024 edition of Disability Grants News.

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The Cindy Appleyard Foundation

Supports families with children in hospital for an extended period of time with grants up to £300 to cover cost of accommodation, travel and time off work.

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Parkinson's UK

Grants for physical activity providers of up to £3,000 from Parkinson's UK to give people with Parkinson's more opportunities to stay active. Final deadline for all grant application: Friday 15th November 2024

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The Cosaraf Foundation offers hardship funds to individuals and families living in the UK. Referrals only from third party organisations.

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Tree Council - Branching Out Fund

The Branching Out Fund from the Tree Council offers funding for trees, hedgerows and orchards for schools and other community groups. Closing date 1st December 2024

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Trailblazer Fund - Youth Music

The Youth Music Trailblazer fund offers grants of £2,000 to £30,000 to organisations in England to run projects for children and young people (25 or under) to make, learn and earn in music. Closing date: 22nd November 2024.

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Charles Hayward Foundation

Funding of up to £7,000 for small UK charities (under £350,000 income) that support older people in the UK

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Jon Shaw Foundation

Supports young people under 25 years who live in the UK with safety equipment that cannot be provided by the NHS.

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The Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund (AIPFF) offers funding to increase opportunities for kids and young people in inner-city and disadvantaged areas to play sport and enjoy its many benefits. It has previously funded disability sports. Closing date: Tuesday 31st December 2024

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Parkinson's UK Personal Grants

People with Parkinson's or other forms of progressive parkinsonism, and unpaid carers, can apply for a Parkinson's UK Grant up to £1,500. Closing date: 16th December 2024

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