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Grants for Disabled Adults

What do you want as a disabled adult?

Your rightful place in society; a good job; a social life; being able to get around from place to place.....and much more.

In fact, exactly the same as those without a disability!

However, the Government review of all benefits, changes to eligibility criteria and the introduction of different methods of assessment is shaking the security of many disabled adults.

This together with cuts in local services and the increased cost of living is worrying many of us about the extra cost of being disabled.

Questions are being asked about how to maintain independence, pay for care, keep a job, fund old age......without the extra funds and support.

Not everyone will need extra help and some may not like to accept money from trusts and charities. It all depends on your own situation.

But the fact is, many are looking at grants to fund essentials for everyday life such as medical equipment, home adaptations, or an education missed through ill health.

And, although charities and trusts are supporting more people with less, they are still able to offer grants for disabled adults - though, not as many as those for disabled children.

With adults, the criteria for grants will be varied - it may depend on your disability, your job, which part of the country you live in, your religion or financial situation.

As the biggest obstacle to getting a grant is finding the information this website should make your search easier.

Cross reference with the other sections if you are looking for something specific such as a grant for a disability sport, or disability equipment.

And as many grants are for set geographical locations, do check the grants in your local area by looking at the Grants UK pages.

Now check out the other pages…….

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