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Disability and Employment

Working with a disability or a caring responsibility is a maze of challenges that can test even the most enterprising.

Trying to juggle your health needs, care needs, personal ambitions and financial expectations is a minefield as you combine disability and employment.

So what do your want?

Flexible working hours...time off for hospital prospects......supportive colleagues - not much different from everyone else!

It's just that you may need a more creative work pattern to factor in rest periods, time off for therapy, medical/school reviews and recovery from illness or pain.

Returning to work after years of caring or trying to combine caring with a disabled child or adult is a scary task as your caring role doesn't end with going to work.

And working out the financial implications can make your head spin with extra costs for care and the prospect of losing the Carers Allowance.

Do you declare your disability or carer's role on an application form?

Will it show your determination, persistence and multi task skills that helped you survive the challenges of disability and bureaucratic systems.

Or will it be an obstacle to getting an interview - the first gateway into employment?

Whatever your decision convincing an employer you can do the job can sometimes be an uphill struggle - especially in today's job market!

Both disabled individuals and carers are protected by employment legislation to prevent discrimination in the workplace.

The Equality Act of 2010 and Disability Discrimination Act are two important pieces of legislation that can protect both the disabled and carers - to give them the rights that others take for granted.

There are also government initiatives designed to help the disabled into work with support from Disability Employment Advisers at your local Job Centre to the Access to Work Grant.

Many disabled people and carers are able to work - and wish to do so. If, they can overcome the barriers and have the right support.

Whether you are disabled or a carer - Working will be tough at times and sometimes you wonder why you even attempt to work at all!

You may feel that everything is stacked against you and ask yourself WHY bother?

But for both the disabled and carers working can be a major part of living life to the full - of having something for YOU.

Remind yourself that you are a valued member of society with something to give.

And.....remember there is support available and legislation in place to help you find the best route into work whatever your abilities and aspirations.

See also:

The Equality Act 2010

The Employment and Support Grant (for disabled veterans)

Now check out the other pages......

Disability and Employment - Information and Advice

Access to Work

Business Grants for the Disabled

Disabled Employment Programmes

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