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Help! Support to Leave Hospital

by Emma
(Ashford, Kent)

Do you know of any support to leave hospital?

I'm emailing on behalf of my mother-in-law who is currently in hospital.

She lives in 3 bed house and has had half of her foot removed. She is now in hospital as she was admitted in January with a brain infection.

In addition, she has has infections in both legs and is suffering from fits and diabetes.

Her house is totally unsuitable. It either needs altering to suit her needs or she will have to be rehoused?

I live in Kent and she is in Manchester so getting things sorted is hard.

Please could you advise me on what to do?


Hi Emma,

It is so difficult providing support and making arrangements when you live so far away. A friend recently had the same situation with her elderly father who was living 150 miles away in Cambridge.

As I understand it (based on her experience) the hospital will not let your mother-in-law out of hospital until her home has been adapted or other suitable accommodation found for her.

Near the time of her discharge, someone will need to liaise with the Occupational Therapist (OT) regarding any adaptations. The OT will need to view your mother-in-law's home to assess the changes that will need to be made.

Your mother-in-law may also need care when she gets home. If so, the hospital may ask social services to arrange a care package.

It may also be helpful to speak to someone at the Contact Service for Social Care on 0161 234 5001

I do hope you manage to get things sorted for your mother-in-law and for her safe return home.


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