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Aberlour supports children, young people and families across Scotland to help them overcome significant challenges such as living with a disability or leaving foster care.
It helps families through the provision of respite breaks, support with education and life skills classes. It also offer outward bound holidays and support for siblings in the family.
The residential support for children and young people provides 24 hour support to enable them to take part in their communities and access activities. The homes enable young people to live close to family and friends.
It also offers a short breaks residential service for parent/carers have a break from their caring role at home. The children (aged 6 to 18 years) enjoy a range of activities and experiences with qualified staff.
The Adamson Trust established in 1947 provides grants for disabled and special needs children aged 3 to 17 years for holidays or respite breaks.
Individual families can apply as well as accepting applications on behalf of groups of children, organisations or registered charities.
View the site for details of how to apply along with holiday locations.
The Agar Trust supports young people (age 8 to 21 years) living in rural Scotland to help further their musical education beyond their local area.
Applicants must have proof of exceptional musical ability or potential and be resident in rural Scotland. Grants are available towards additional travel, subsistence costs and attendance at an educational opportunity related to musical studies outside of the local area.
Awards range from around £200 up to £700.
To apply: complete the online application form. A referee is required.
Next closing date will be announced shortly.
Age Scotland have produced a number of useful factsheets on a range of topics that affect older people in Scotland
In particular the following may be of interest to older people with disabilities:
To obtain a copies download from the website
The Athletics Trust Scotland supports the ongoing development of athletes in Scotland.
It's Transforming Lives Grant provides grants of £250 to £1,000 to grass roots organisations., Clubs and groups that support athletics and running.
It is open to registered charities and constituted organisations or groups.
Applicants need to demonstrate that they are targeting under represented groups in Scotland.
The grant programme is currently closed.
The Ben is the charity for the Scottish drinks industry.
It supports people of all ages who have worked in the licensed trade for at least three years full-time in Scotland.
It is able to offer financial support or one-off grants for emergency situations. This might include:
The charity also own The BEN Pitlochry Estate with 18 bungalows providing accommodation for current and retired members of the industry and respite breaks for carers.
To apply: complete a short online form on the website and the charity will contact you or telephone: 0141 353 3596.
There is also a FREE Mental Health Support Line: 0800 915 4610
The Benevolent Fund for Nurses in Scotland (BFNS)
The BFNS provides financial assistance to nurses who have worked or trained in Scotland and is experiencing financial difficulties due to their inability to continue working.
It is also able to help with the purchase of furnishings and equipment.
To find out more information:
Telephone: 07584 322257 or complete the online form.
The Challenger Children's Fund supports physically disabled young people under 18 years living in Scotland.
The Fund is flexible about what can be applied for so long as it's not provided by Statutory services.
It has previously funded clothing, equipment, household appliances and adaptation to the home and garden.
Grants up to £500 will be considered. Applications must be supported by a relevant health professional.
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland supports individuals and their families with chest, heart and stroke conditions.
It provides services to ensure that everyone in Scotland gets the care and support they need. This includes rehabilitation support, specialist nurses, community groups, advice and information.
It also offers Personal Support Grants as one off payments to help buy goods and services to improve quality of life, independence, mobility or dignity.
To apply: applications must be made through a sponsor such as a social worker, health professional or a voluntary agency.
The Deaf Scots Trust provides support, provision and grants to deaf and deafblind people in Scotland.
It will consider applications up to £1,000 to individuals and community groups in Scotland. Funding must be of benefit to you or the deaf community.
The Trust has previously funded an iPad and a laptop to groups, deaf football coaches and a dominoes club at a deaf centre.
Unusually, applications are only considered once a year. The deadline for applications in 2023 is Friday 30th June 2023.
Douglas Hay Trust
The Douglas Hay Trust is able to help physically disabled children under 18 years living in Scotland.
It is able to provide money for holidays, education, computers, essentials such as clothes, bedding and shoes. It may also be able to help towards home improvements.
Applications should be made by the local authority, health/social workers or other charities supporting children.
Contact: The Secretaries c/o Johnston Smillie ltd, 5 South Gyle, Crescent Land, Edinburgh EH12 9E
Telephone: 0131 317 7377
Epilepsy Scotland support anyone with Epilepsy living in Scotland.
They provide information on Epilepsy and a free helpline 0808 800 2200 as well as help in setting up a support group.
Epilepsy Scotland have a holiday caravan at Sefton Sands in the Lothians for families and individuals living with or caring for someone with a disability.
The caravan is available to book for one week from November of any year. It costs £70 which is a non refundable administrative fee. It sleeps 6 people and may be suitable for someone with mobility difficulties. It is not however wheelchair accessible.
The Family Fund provides grants to low-income families in Scotland with a disabled or severely ill child or young person aged 17 or under.
Families who can show entitlement to key benefits or tax credits are eligible to apply if their child or young person has a high level of additional support needs arising from their disability, disabling condition or serious illness.
The grants cover essential items such as such as clothing, computer equipment, family breaks, domestic appliances or sensory toys and play equipment.
To find out more about Family Fund, and apply online.
Gateway Scotland provides free holidays for families who have experienced the bereavement of a loved one or are supporting a family member through a serious illness or disability.
The holidays are provided in a luxury lodge at the Hunters Quay Holiday village on the west coast of Scotland.
The holiday village has two heated swimming pools and a wide range of activities for all ages.
Applications to be made by a referring organisations such as other charities or hospital departments.
The Trust aims to aid the "prevention or relief of poverty" and "relieve those in need by reason of age, ill health and disability"
This is achieved by providing accommodation in a retirement village and financial aid which may include the maintenance of existing accommodation or furniture.
Application forms are available from:.
Alternatively, write to: Mr. Douglas M Watson, Partner, Ledingham Chalmers LLP, Solicitors, Johnstone House, 52-54 Rose Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1HA.
Independent Living Fund - Scotland
The Independent Living Fund for Scotland was established on the closure of the UK Independent Living Fund for existing recipients. It also runs the scheme in Northern Ireland.
It operates as a discretionary fund providing financial awards to enable disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland to live independently.
The ILF Scotland Transition Fund provides funding for up to one year to support disabled young people aged 16-25 years with the transition after leaving school or children's services. It is currently open only to new applicants.
This includes young people with Autism. learning difficulties, physical disabilities, mental health conditions, hearing or visual impairments.
Grants of up to £4,000 can be used to improve their lives and independence. This might include activities such as art, music, driving lessons and training courses.
To apply: download an application form form the website.
Kayleigh's Wee Stars provides financial support for families where a child has a terminal illness.
The charity works closely with care professionals, social workers and medical professionals from Scottish hospitals. Applications are to made by health professionals on behalf of the family.
To apply: Health professionals wishing to made an apply should use the online form on the website to register and submit an application form.
Leuchie House is a National respite charity that provides holidays for people living with neurological conditions such as MS, MND, stroke and Parkinson's.
It also helps carers and families have a break from caring responsibilities.
Leuchie offers short breaks with 24 hour care, physiotherapy, catering, activities, outings and the opportunity to socialise in a relaxed setting.
To apply: Contact the booking team to chat about your level of care needs.
Telephone: 01620 892864
The booking team will advise on cost and funding support available. They can give you advice on the most appropriate sources depending on your circumstances.
MND Scotland provides support to people with Motor Neurone disease living in Scotland.
It has a wide range of services to support individuals with the condition. This includes:
It also offers a travel grant for professionals to attend training courses and conferences.
The charity also have an adapted caravan near St Andrews and adapted chalet near Tralee Bay,mOban for rent. Both offer generous deductions to those affected by Motor Neurone Disease.
Pamis provides support for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and their families.
It offers a family support service in Fife, Glasgow and Clyde, Grampian, Lanarkshire and Tayside. These provide information and help on all aspects of life for the person with PMLD.
It also runs a a range of courses to support family carers, paid carers and practitioners working with PMLD.
For the families it offers family breaks in adapted accommodation either in a caravan at Haggerston Castle Park in Berwickshire or a coach house in Aberfeldy.
Pamis has also pioneered a digital passport.
RSABI helps people (and their dependents) who have worked in a land based occupation in Scotland for at least 10 years.
Applicants must be retired or no longer able to work, have a low income and under £12,000 savings. It will also support those facing a personal crisis such as ill health, an accident or bereavement.
RSABI helps in a number of ways:
To apply: download an application form. Financial information is required.
The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government used to produce a number of guides to help meet the cost of learning for further and higher education.
Unfortunately, Education and Training has not yet been added to the new Scottish Government website and the information is no longer up-to-date on the old website.
Scottish Police Benevolent Fund
The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund offers benevolent and welfare services to help those disadvantaged through poverty, age, ill health or disability.
It is open to former/existing members and their dependents of the police service in Scotland. It also help persons or organisations who have had or are having some direct contact with the service.
The fund is able to offer grants, loans and in exceptional circumstances may approve an emergency grant of no more than £1,000.
To obtain assistance you must be a member by signing a written application for membership.
The Scottish Shipping Benevolent Association (SSBA)
The SSBA provides grants and allowances individuals in need and their families who are linked or have been linked to the shore-side maritime sector in Scotland.
It is able to support with hardship funding such as paying for winter fuel bills and buying basic food supplies.
It also assists people to fulfill their potential by awarding grants for training and education within maritime related disciplines.
To assess help complete the online contact form on the website.
The Scottish War Blinded support veterans who have lost their sight - before or after service.
It is able to help with rehabilitation and training to adapt to sight loss and financial support towards:
To apply: telephone 0800 035 6409 or use the online form.
Shared Care Scotland provides assistance for unpaid to take regular, quality breaks from the everyday demands of caring.
It provides grants to organisations that support carers. This includes your local carers centre.
It operates three short break programmes:
Better Breaks - provides grants to organisations to develop and deliver short breaks projects and services for children and young people with disabilities (aged 20 years and under), and their carers The programme opens for applications in October each year.
Creative Breaks - provides grants to organisations for short breaks projects and services for carers of adults (aged 21 years and over), young carers (caring for children or adults), and those that they care for. It opens for applications in April each year.
Time to Live - provides funding for carer organisations to develop micro grants schemes for carer of adults (aged 21 years and over) to fund short breaks. These grants are available from organisations around Scotland who manage the fund. This might include your local carers centre.
To find out if there is a grant scheme in your area check out the Search Directory on the Shared Care website.
Skills Development Scotland provides advice and financial support towards developing skills for the world of work.
Individual Training Accounts (ITA)
ITA's help pay for learning.
Funding of up to £200 is available to people who have an income below £22,000 a year, over 16 years and a Scottish resident.
To apply: complete the online eligibility test.
The Individual Training Account scheme is open for applications. This phase of the scheme will accept up to 28,000 new applications and will remain open until 31 March 2023.
Dependants Grant
Carers of an adults who are financially dependent on them may be eligible for a Dependants grant of up to £2,640 a year to help with their studies.
Evidence will be required to assess your entitlements to the Dependants grant. You do not to have to be in receipt of Carers Allowance but is income assessed.
To apply: Complete the online form at the Student Awards Agency Scotland.
Lone Parents Grant
The maximum grant of £1,305 a year is paid to lone parents and anyone legally responsible for younger siblings.
The grant is income assessed.
Students who are eligible for the Lone Parents' Grants may also be eligible for the Lone Parents' Childcare Grant. to help toward the cost of registered or formal childcare costs.
To apply: Complete the online form at the Student Awards Agency Scotland.
The Stafford Trust supports charities in the UK but gives preference to charities in Scotland. Of these, over 50% are charities concerned with child/adult welfare and local community projects.
To apply: Download an application form and return by post to the trustees. Annual report and audited accounts will be required with the completed application form.
Grants vary, but most are between £500 and £5,000.
The Take a Break scheme provides short breaks for Scottish families with seriously ill or disabled children.
Grants can be used for a break, an activity or a day out - whatever your family wants to do. The grants are usually between £200 to £400.
Applicants must be:
And either
To apply: download an application form and full eligibility criteria.
The Voluntary Action Fund (VAF)
The VAF provides funding and support to organisations involved in projects which challenge inequalities and barriers to participation in community life. It currently manages grant programmes funded by the Scottish Government.
The VAF is able to provide grants up to £10,000 through their Volunteering Development Grant to charities to improve and develop the participation of volunteers. It may be used to increase hours of existing staff, buy in support or pay for volunteer expenses.
The Borders Children's Charity
The Borders Children’s Charity aims to help children across the region who are suffering from poverty, sickness or distress.
The recipients should be aged 0-18 years and have a Scottish Borders postcode.
It supports residential and one day school activities, some out of school activities in the holidays /after school clubs and help if special clothing/equipment is needed.
The charity also supports specialist equipment if its deemed necessary by the referring professional.
It regularly funds basic furniture, beds and bedding, bedroom furnishings and carpets, stair gates, clothing, baby equipment.
The charity meets monthly to discuss and award funding. If the request is urgent the information is circulated to the trustees and a decision can be made within a few days.
Applications are welcome from professionals associated with the child/family - teachers, social workers, care workers, health professionals.
Application forms are available on the website.
Applications are welcome at any time.
Borders Independent Advocacy Service
The Borders Independent Advocacy Service provides specialist advocacy to people with mental health related issues, individuals with learning difficulties and older people.
It is able to help with:
Contact: Telephone: 01896 75220
The Action Group supports children and adults with learning difficulties and other support needs living in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Falkirk.
It also has a caravan for use by members located at Seton Sands Holiday Village in Longniddry.
Prices start from £185 a week. Families with school age children are given preference for holidays in the school holidays.
To find out more information
The Archibald Taylor Trust makes helps individuals in recovery or convalescing or who have a permanent, chronic or terminal medical condition, with special nursing treatment or a respite holiday.
Applicants must be living in Kilmarnock or have been born in Kilmarnock.
The application must be supported by the applicants GP. Financial information will be required on household income.
The Ashwood Scotland Foundation distributes funds to registered charities, not for profit organisations and individuals in West Lothian.
It is able to help individuals in need through age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.
Further information from: The Ashwood Foundation, Ashwood House, Starlaw Road, Bathgate, West Lothian, EH47 7BW.
Cash for Kids (Radio Forth)
Radio Forth's Cash for Kids charity gives grants to disabled and disadvantaged children and groups concerned with special needs living in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife.
To apply: download an application form.
Cash for Kids (Radio Tay)
Cash for Kids (Radio Tay) supports disabled and disadvantaged children and young people (0-18 years) across Tayside and North East Fife.
It is able to help both individuals and groups.
Applications are considered quarterly. An application can be downloaded from the website.
ECAS is a voluntary organisation supporting the physically disabled in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
It is able to provide grants for items or services not provided through other sources.
It may consider grants over £1,500.
Grants may be given for anything not covered by statutory sources.
This may include household white goods, a lap-top computer, furniture, car adaptations,
holidays and flooring.
To apply: download an application form. Financial details and support from a suitably qualified professional are required.
The Edinburgh Trust supports residents of the City of Edinburgh in financial need.
It open to those who receive means-tested welfare benefits or earnings that result in an annual household income that is below £16,000.
The trust is able to help with regular payments and support for children with items such as school uniforms and books.
Applications may only be made by an approved organisation.
Telephone: 0131 243 2796 Email:
The Hawthorn Brae Trust (managed by EMMA International) funds respite holiday for people living in Edinburgh with life limiting illnesses.
Applicants must be unable to pay for a holiday themselves and "be of good character".
Grants will not normally exceed £300 per adult and £150 per child. (and may well be less).
They will only cover the cost of the holiday and must only be used to pay for travel. accommodation, food etc.
To apply: download an application form from the EMMA website.
The John Watson Trust awards grants for educational purposes to children and young people under 21 years who have a physical or learning disability or socially disadvantaged.
The trust mainly operates in Edinburgh and the Lothians but may consider applicants from other areas of Scotland.
Previous grants have been awarded for Dyslexia tuition, school trips, bus passes, books, equipment and laptops if required for a special need.
Grants range from £30 to £2,000. The grants committee meets 5 times a year to consider applications.
To apply: download the correct application form after reading the guidance notes.
The Trust helps individuals in need who were born in or currently live in Newmilns.
It will help with contributions to household essentials, minor home and/or garden maintenance, works and adaptations..
The Trust will also contribute towards mobility and personal aids, short breaks and donations to living expenses.
To apply: download the application form from the East Ayrshire Council website.
Miss Gertrude Muriel Pattulo Advancement Award Scheme
The MIss Gertrude Muriel Pattulo scheme support children and young people up to the age of 25 years who have any form of disability.
Grants are available to students studying in further and higher education. Awards may be used for books, equipment, instruments, fees, living expenses and educational outings. GRants range from £100 to £1,000.
Applicants must live in Dundee city or the county of Angus.
To apply: contact Help Unit, Blackadders Solicitors, 30-34 Reform Street, Dundee DD1 1RJ for an application form.
Telephone: 01382 229222
The Salvation Army - East Scotland Division
The Salvation Army support families in need with a holiday package to Berwick upon Tweed.
They have 3 six/eight berth caravans at the Haggerston Castle Holiday Park seven miles south of Berwick upon Tweed.
Caravans are available on a weekly basis from March to October.
Complete the application form and post to:
The Divisional Director for Social Services, The Salvation Army, East Scotland Division, 12A Dryden Road, Loanhead EH20 9LZ.
Vocal Wee Breaks supports unpaid carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian.
It offers ranging from a few hours to a day trip or a night/week away. To apply first get in touch with the team or complete the online application form..
Carers in Edinburgh can apply to VOCAL for a grant through it's "Time to Live" fund. Priority will be given to those who have not applied for the Family Fund's Take a Break grant.
For carers in Midlothian applications are made through the VOCAL's Wee Breaks Fund. Carers must not apply for something that should be provided by Statutory Services or that they can afford to fund themselves.
Ayrshire Sportsability are offering non-recurring grants up to £200 to help children and young people with physical, sensory or learning difficulties participate in sport.
They offer grants to both individuals and groups.
To apply: download either the Individual or Groups application form.
The Glasgow Care Foundation provides essential support such as basic household items or grants to those in need where support is not available through Local Authorities or other agencies.
It is able to help with the following:
Applications can only be made through a recognised agency working in the community. Families must have been resident within the City of Glasgow boundary for a minimum of 5 years.
The Holywood Trust supports young people in Dumfries and Galloway with grants for individuals and organisations.
Young people aged 15 to 25 years living in Dumfries and Galloway are able to apply for grants to help with personal needs or on going personal development. The trust is particularly interested in:
Grants are usually in the region of £50 to £500.
To apply download the application on the Trust's website.
The Holywood Trust also provides grants to organisations working with, and providing opportunities for, young people in Dumfries and Galloway.
These could be residential trips, equipment sports and arts programmes.
The Highlands Children's Trust
The Highlands Children's Trust provides grants to help children, students and their families.
It is able to offer grants for:
Applicants must be under 25 years old and be resident in the Highland Council area.