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Grants UK
Northern Ireland

Arts and Disability Award

The Arts & Disability Awards Ireland is a grant scheme for individual deaf and disabled artists living in Northern Ireland or ROI.

The Award is managed by the Arts & Disability Forum on behalf of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaion. It awards a bursary of up to £5,000 to encourage and nurture individual talented disabled artists working in all artforms.

Bandanas for the Brave

Bandanas for the Brave provide free bandanas to children and young people diagnosed with cancer.

They offer bandanas in a range of sizes and patterns to suit young boys, girls and teens.

To apply: click on the bandana of your choice and complete the pop up form.

Bryson Charitable Group 

The Bryson Charitable Group run in collaboration the Department for Communities and other organisations an Emergency Fuel Payment Scheme.

It will provide a one off support of up to £100 worth of electricity, gas or oil to households in Northern Ireland over the winter of 2021/22.

As the scheme is intending for those experiencing fuel poverty there are a number of conditions of eligibility.

To apply: use the online form.

Closing date: 31st March 2022

The Bryson Group also run other services such as an Independent Advocacy Service for the most vulnerable in society.

Buggy Bear Trust

The Buddy Bear Trust offers Conductive Education to children with Cerebral Palsy and other motor disorders at it's school in Northern Ireland.

It is only able to take 12 children part time due to lack of funds.

Any child of school age may apply and pre school/nursery places may also be available.  All places are free of charge.

Cancer Fund for Children

The Cancer Fund for Children helps children with Cancer and their families.

It is able to guide and support families at home, in their community, in hospital and at their therapeutic short break and residential centre in Newcastle Co.Down.

The residential group support is the the children and young people with cancer and their siblings.  It provides the opportunity to learn new skills, increase confidence, discuss feeling and make new friends.

Individual support is also provided for the parents to talk about any worries and concerns.  It also offers information on financial grants and short breaks.

Bereavement support is offered to families who have lost a child or young person to cancer.

Caring Breaks

Caring Breaks provides respite breaks for carers of adults with learning disability.

It offers a short break service of 4 hours a week respite and weekend breaks.

Their community respite workers take the clients out weekly to give the families a complete break.

It runs weekend breaks to give family carers a longer break. Clients have the opportunity to take participate in activities such as canoeing, archery, abseiling and sightseeing.

It also offers day trips to provide a full day's respite for the family carers.

Contact the charity on 028 9070 9118 for more information or complete the online contact form.

The Children's Heartbeat Trust

The Children's Heartbeat Trust supports families of children with heart disease in Northern Ireland.

It has three caravans available for family use in Newcastle and Castlerock

Each caravan sleeps 6 people.

The cost is £50 a week, from Saturday to Saturday.

Booking can be made via email: and availability can be checked online through the website.

Stays are allocated on a first come first served basis.

The updated criteria for 2024 holiday booking and the availability dates for 2024 will be published soon.

It also offers events for young people.

The charity offers financial support for heart families travelling to a surgical centre outside of Northern Ireland.

The Christopher McCollum Fund

The Christopher McCollum Fund was set up in memory of Christopher McCollum who had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,

It provides funds to help purchase a wheelchair and other equipment including adaptations for young people aged 18 years and under who have a disability or illness which may be life limited.

For further information email:

Disability Action Northern Ireland

Disability Action provide support for people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, sensory disabilities, hidden disabilities and mental health disabilities in Northern Ireland.

It is able to offer help in the following areas:

  • Advice - on benefits, financial support, health and social care.
  • Advocacy 
  • Driving - lessons and assessments
  • Education and Training - for disabled young people aged 16 to 22 years
  • Transport - operates DATS (Disability Action Transport Scheme) for those who have difficulty with public transport.
  • Work - projects to find and support employment

Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland

The Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland supports day to day activities of charities and new/existing projects in Northern Ireland.

It will also help support charities to react and prepare for Covid-19.

The Foundation is looking to target:

  • Social and Community Needs - including mental health, elderly, carers and people with special needs.
  • Education and Training - including employment, life skills and training.

It will fund costs such as materials and equipment, salary contributions, refurbishment and disability access.

The average grant in 2020 was £3,925.

Guidance notes and an application can be found on the website.

The Lighthouse Trust

The Lighthouse Trust hold annual 8 week summer school for children and young people with Cerebral Palsy.

The programme provides conductive education which aims to develop children’s potential; physically, socially and intellectually. 

The summer school is to be held in the Parish Centre, Donaghadee, Co. Down.

Further details email: info@lighthouse-trust.og

Mary Peters Trust

The Mary Peters Trust provides financial support to talented young athletes with the potential to compete at National and International level.

It is open to athletes over 12 years to help with expenses associated with the sport.  This includes travel to events, competitions, training and coaching.

For further information contact the charity email:

NI Children To Lapland And Days To Remember Trust

The charity fulfills the dreams  of terminally ill,long term ill and deserving children, by taking them to see Santa at his home in Lapland.

The trips are fully funded with medical backup on the flights and in Lapland.

It also provides " Days to Remember" such as a trip to Disney Land Paris or other special events.

Special Support Grant

The Special Support Grant is available to help with additional education costs such as books, equipment, travel and childcare.

Eligibility depends on household income and whether you:

  • Have a disability
  • Have been treated as incapable of work for 28 weeks
  • Have had time out through illness or caring responsiblities
  • A lone parent
  • A partner who is also a student with responsibility for a child
  • Aged over 60 years

The maximum grant is £3,475. Receipt of the grant does not affect other benefits.

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Company number: 8937008

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