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The Rob George Foundation was set up in memory of Rob George who died from Leukaemia.
It provides practical and financial support to young people with life threatening or terminal illnesses liv ing in the UK. It is also able to offer financial support to young people who show exceptional and/or ability to sport or the performing arts.
Individual grants will not exceed £1,000 and for IT devices will be limited to £400.
It has previous helped towards an adapted bike, para-athletes, camera equipment and musical instruments.
To apply: complete the online form. A reference will be required.
The React Charity helps families caring for a child with a life threatening illness in the UK.
It provides financial support towards basic essential needs:
The charity is also able to assist with funeral and memorial expenses.
Families can also apply for a week's holiday at one of their mobile homes at 6 sites around the UK.
To apply: download an application form.
A professional such as a social worker or doctor will need to endorse the form. Financial information is required on the form but this is very straightforward.
The Sailors Children's Society provides support to children of seafarers in the UK who have served in the Royal/Merchant Navy or the fishing fleets including ferries, tankers and cruise ships.
It is able to offer a wide range of financial and practical support to families. It also helps with computer packages to ensure that children in the home are able to complete home learning.
The charity also offers caravan holidays at one of its 9 caravans at seaside resorts around the UK for free respite breaks. Travel grants may also be available.
To apply: you must be in receipt of means tested benefits such as Housing or Council Tax Benefit.
The Sandcastle Trust supports families where a parent or child has a rare genetic condition.
They are able to help with short breaks, special day trips or an annual attraction pass.
For more information contact:
S C Witting Trust
The S C Witting Trust provide small one-off grants to children and young people 15 years and younger who live in England and are in financial need.
It offers grants of approximately £200 for essential items such as furniture, clothing and white goods for the family. It also gives small grants of up to £100 for books or educational equipment.
All applications for funding must be made through a third party such as social services.
To apply: contact the Witting Trust Administrator, Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
The Sick Children's Trust provides free "Home from Home" accommodation to families with sick children in hospital.
It currently has 10 houses with private rooms where families can stay close to 9 hospitals across England.
Each house has its own Manager and contact telephone number. Leaflets on each house may be downloaded from the website.
The Sunny Days Children's Fund supports children under 18 years with a range of medical conditions. This includes Leukaemia, Cerebral Palsy, the deaf and blind, terminal and life limiting conditions.
It is able to make small grants for day trips, medical equipment, respite, hospital travel, white goods, IT equipment (not iPads) and children's last wishes.
The charity also has two holiday homes at Haven Orchard's Holiday Park, Clacton-on-sea, Essex.
Open to applicants in England, Wales and Scotland.
To apply:
Telephone 01376 528376 and ask for Margaret or Email:
REACH (for children and young people with upper limb deficiency)
Scampps (Surrey only)
Sullivan's Heroes (fundraising and financial assistance for families funding housing adaptations)
The Steve Morgan Foundation (North Wales, Merseyside, West Cheshire and North Shropshire)
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Charities and Trusts are listed alphabetically