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Able Kidz is an educational trust that supports disabled children and young people (under 18 years) in the UK with their education and learning.
It provides specialist equipment, computers, software and extra tuition to enable them to achieve independence and self reliance.
Applications should be made in writing with a supporting letter from an education professional to the Grants Officer, Able Kidz Educational Trust,Kemp House 152-160 City Road London EC1V 2NX
ACT support the children of professional actors where one parent has had paid professional acting jobs in half of their working years.
It can only help families with a household gross income and savings under about £40,000 a year.
Funding may be provided for children's activities up to £200 a term and school costs such as uniform and transport.
For children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) it is able to help towards private assessments, therapies and other interventions up to the age of 26 years.
Additional support is also available for childcare, moving house, new babies, apprentices and help in a crisis.
Contact ACT for further information.
AFK (formally Action for Kids) supports disabled children and young people up to 26 years to develop their mobility, personal and independent living skills.
It supplies a variety of mobility equipment not available through the NHS. This includes powered, manual and sports wheelchairs, walkers, trikes, scooters and car seats.
Powered wheelchairs are on ‘permanent loan’ and remain the property of the charity. This means that AFK is responsible for maintenance and repairs. Other items supplied are the property of the family or individual.
To apply: download an application form from the website.
BBC Children in Need - Emergency Essentials
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials programme supports struggling families with children's basic needs.
This includes a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide meals, clothing, baby equipment or other essential items.
It is available to children and young people under 18 years living in the UK.
Emergency Essentials is managed by the Family Fund.
Applications must be made through Family Fund by a statutory agency or charitable organisation.
To apply: register and complete the on-line form. Alternatively e-mail to request an application form.
The Boparan Charitable Trust helps children and young people under 18 years in the UK who are disadvantaged through poverty, disability or terminal illness.
Each application request is judged on its own merits. The Trust has previously funded wheelchairs, trikes, sensory books, toys and special wishes.
To apply: download an application form from the website.
Confirmation of the applicant’s condition or circumstance will be required by a qualified professional.
The Buttercup Children's Trust supports children (under 18 years) and their families in the UK who have a wide range of serious and terminal illnesses such as Leukaemia, Cystic Fibrosis as well as the deaf and the blind.
It is able to offer financial assistance towards hospital travel, respite, medical equipment, holidays and travel expenses.
Families are able to contact the charity direct for further information.
To apply: download an application form from the website. Supporting evidence from a health professional or social worker is required.
The Trust advertises individual appeals on their website to attract funding.
Buttle UK helps children and young people in crisis, living in financial hardship and dealing with challenging social issues across the UK.
The Chances for Children Grants offers grants up to £2,400 for children and young people who have experienced a crisis that has had a significant impact on their lives.
It only accepts applications from frontline professionals who have made a full assessment of the child or young person's needs.
The charity only support those who have taken action to improve their situation and are engaged with the support.
Buttle UK will fund holistic packages of support that may include items to support learning such as laptops, broadband, clothing, activities and other household items not available from other funding.
To apply for funding complete the online prompts.
Caudwell Children provides family support services, equipment, treatment and therapies for disabled children and their families across the UK.
The organisation has seven core services:
Caudwell Children also has a new £18 million autism centre in Staffordshire - The Caudwell International Children's Centre (CICC) . It includes assessment suites, a sensory garden, family training suites and training kitchen to encourage a healthy diet.
To apply: complete one of the online application forms.
The Child Brain Injury Trust offers support to children with Acquired Brain Injury and their families.
The Trust's Give a Child a Chance Grant is a small grants programme (£125 max per child) to enable the child with Acquired Brain Injury and their siblings to be involved in social activities. This may include dance lessons, music lessons and family outings.
To apply: download an application form from the website.
Children Today helps disabled children and young people up to the age of 25.
It provides grants for specialist equipment and aids such as communication aids, educational toys, trikes, lifting equipment and electric wheelchairs
Applications must be made direct by the applicant, their parents or guardian by calling 01244-335622 to discuss their application.
A reference from someone who works with your child in a professional capacity (occupational therapist, teacher, social worker, doctor, etc) will be required.
Find out more about Children Today from the video below:
The Children's Heart Federation provides information and practical support to children and young people with congenital and acquired heart conditions and their families.
Professionals such as cardiac nurses, social workers or advice workers are able to apply for grants towards specialist equipment and unexpected family costs such as travel expenses to hospital.
To apply: the sponsoring professional must use the online application form. There is guidance on the eligibility criteria that must be consulted before application.
The Federation also organises family trips and respite.
Find out more about our colouring book with positive images of children with additional needs.
The Children's Hope Foundation
The Hope Foundation aims to improve the lives of children and young people affected by illness, disability or poverty.
It provides a funding for anything (with a few exceptions) that will benefit the child such as medical equipment, computers, holidays and days out.
To apply: download the online application form (the ‘Downloads’ link in the Footer of any page on the Children’s Hope Foundation website). Financial details are required.
The charity also has a caravan holiday home in East Sussex for children (and their families) between the ages of 3-17 who ‘have special needs’.
The caravan is not adapted but does have a ramp for disabled access.
It will accept direct applications as well as applications from appropriate professionals.
To apply: download the online holiday application form.
The Children's Hope Foundation is currently closed to applications.
Chips, the charity of the casino and gaming industry provides specialised powered wheelchairs for children and young people with varying disabilities.
It will only fund powered wheelchairs not provided by the NHS.
Applications can be made using the preliminary online application form. Each application is considered on its own merits and depends on available funds at the time of the application.
The Cindy Appleyard Foundation
The Cindy Appleyard Foundation supports families whose children have been hospitalised.
It is able to help families cover the costs of temporary accommodation near their child, travel to and from the hospital and taking time off work.
It offers grants up to £300.
The child must be an inpatient at a hospital for a minimum of five days and the parent resident of the UK.
Applications must be made by social worker or family liaison worker.
Crackerjacks provides grants to disabled children and young people throughout the UK.
It is able to offer grants up to a maximum of £700 for specialised equipment. This might include a specialised wheelchair, bikes and trikes and sensory toys.
The charity also has a respite home near Bream sands in Somerset - "Ray's Sunshine Holiday Home". It has ramped access and a pull out bed in the living area for a child in a wheelchair. A supporting letter is required from the child's doctor, social worker or special school.
To apply: download an application form from the website.
The Andrew and Catherine Carter Trust (equipment and housing)
The Batten Disease Family Association (BDFA)
The Boarders Children's Charity (Scotland)
British Kidney Patient Association
Champneys Charitable Foundation
The Cheyne Charity (for children with Cerebral Palsy)
CISWO (for disabled children of former coal miners)
Cyclists Fighting Cancer (18 years and younger)
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Charities and Trusts are listed alphabetically