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Grants for the Blind
and Visually Impaired

Gardners Trust for the Blind

The Gardners Trust for the Blind provides financial assistance to registered blind and partially sighted individuals in the UK.

It awards one-off grants towards education, training and household items.  

The Trust may also provide grants towards a pension.

Individuals should apply directly to the Trust in writing enclosing confirmation of their disability from a 3rd party.

The Gardners Trust for the Blind, Suite 1, Unit 2, Stansted Courtyard, Takeley, Parsonage Road, Essex CM22 6PU

Telephone: 020 7253 3757


Guide Dogs

Blind Children UK have merged with Guide Dogs.  Guide Dogs continue to offer services for blind and visually impaired children and young people through it CYP Service.

Guide Dogs offers grants to blind and visually impaired children and young people under 18 years towards assistive or adapted technology and sensory items.

It will only fund items not available from statutory services.  The applicant must be in pre-school, full or part time education or home schooled.

The equipment and software provided by Guide Dogs are for home use only.

Grants are not means tested but a minimum 10% contribution towards the total cost is required.

To apply: download an application form from the website.  Applications are considered every second month.  Applications will be checked and supporter details will be verified.

Guide Dogs have also continued to operate the excellent Custom Eyes scheme to enable children with a visual impairment buy large print books at retail prices.  This fast and efficient service is highly recommended.  Available to children and young people aged 25 years and under.

The Powell Family Foundation

The Powell Family Foundation helps children and young people (up to 25 years)  with a visual impairment.

It provides grants to help individual children and young people as well as UK registered charities and not-for-profit organisations.

Individuals must be a permanent UK resident and in need for financial assistance.  It is able to fund applications that support the charity's purpose and vision.. This include:

  • Advocacy and support for vision assessment
  • Equipment and assistive technology to support daily living
  • Curriculum development and specialist teaching
  • Support with completing education or training
  • Activities that support well being including drama, music and sport

To apply: download the application forms on the website.

RNIB Technology Grants

The Royal National Institute of Blind people (RNIB) provides information and services to blind and partially sighted people.

It is able to offer grants to UK residents who are registered blind or partially sighted and receive a means tested benefit such as Income Support, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit.

 Grants up to a maximum of £500 are considered for:

  •  Computer access equipment
  • Assistive technology such as a voice recorder and talking kitchen equipment

To apply: download an application.  Applications are accepted at any time of the year. A supporting statement will be required.

The Vision Charity

The Vision charity supports groups, charities and associations within the blind & visually impaired community.

It fundraises money to purchase equipment, goods or specialist services such as computer access equipment, toys and games and even minibuses.

It also supports projects which benefit the community and has recently given £10,000 to the Blind in Business charity to benefit 600 blind and visually impaired students in the UK.

The charity is currently creating a sport legacy fund to enable blind and visually impaired children an increased opportunity to participate in sport.

To apply to become a beneficiary of The Vision Charity contact Mr Larry Davis either by e-mail or telephone 01634-682548.

See also:

Blindaid (for London residents)

Blind in Business (for employment support)

Blind Veterans UK

British Wireless for the Blind Fund

Individual Technology Solutions for Vision Impaired People (ITSVIP)

The Primary Club (Funding for Visually Impaired sports clubs)

The Vision Foundation (London and community groups)

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