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Disability Discounts


NHS Minor Ailments Scheme

The Minor Ailment Scheme is a NHS service for people, including children, who don't pay prescription charges.  If you normally pay for your prescriptions you will need to pay for this service too.

It helps people with minor health conditions to access medicines and advice they might otherwise obtain from their doctor through their local pharmacy.

This means that patients don't have to wait for a GP appointment or queue up at A and E for a non urgent condition.

It is only offered by certain pharmacies in England and Wales.  You will also need to be registered with a GP taking part in the Minor Ailments Service

Illnesses supported by the scheme include:

Back ache, sprains and strains, haemorrhoids, minor fungal infections of the skin, colds, hay fever, mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis, head lice, nappy rash, constipation, headache and fever sore throat, coughs, heartburn and indigestion, teething, diarrhoea, insect bites and stings, threadworm, earache, mild eczema and dermatitis and thrush.

This video from The Royal Pharmaceutical Society explains the scheme:

Prescriptions and Sight Tests

Free prescriptions • Free eye tests

People who have a listed medical condition can obtain free prescriptions. This includes cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and a continuing physical disability that requires support of another person outside the home.

Free eye tests are available to the registered blind and partially sighted, individuals with diabetes and glaucoma.

Those on low income may also qualify for free prescriptions and eye tests.

It can sometimes be beneficial to purchase a Prescription Prepayment Certificate. This works like a season ticket for prescriptions. Once purchased the certificate will cover the prescription costs for the period of the card.


Free Home Eye tests

Visioncall provide free (NHS) home eye tests to the elderly and housebound disabled people in the UK.

They are able to visit your own home or any care home. Visioncall have specialist eye tests for those living with Dementia and Alzheimers.


Council Tax

Reductions for the disabled • Reductions for carers

If you have a disability or someone with a disability living in your home you may be able to obtain a discount on the Council tax.

The home must be the main residence for the disabled person and must have one of the following:

  • An additional bathroom or kitchen for use by the disabled person
  • A room mainly used by the disabled person
  • Extra space for storage of a wheelchair inside the home

Homes that qualify will be downgraded to a lower council tax band.

Discounts also apply to those with a severe mental impairment, live in carers and for properties left empty if the resident has been moved to hospital or a care home.

Contact your local council for further details and an application form.

Get Online @ Home

Discounted computers

Get Online @ Home is an initiative run by a number of computer suppliers to provide affordable and easy to use refurbished computers.

Desktops and Laptops are available at discounted prices starting from £95 for people receiving certain benefits and charities. This includes Disability Living Allowance and the Disability element of Working Tax Credits.

The computers are ready to use. In addition to the built in Windows 7 accessibility software they have also included other accessibility software:

  • My Study Bar - for students with dyslexia
  • NVDA - a free screen reader for blind or visually impaired people
  • MyVisBar - a floating toolbar for those with visual difficulties
  • Yadabyte Subtext - provides easy shortcuts to frequently typed words, text and phrases
  • Dwell Clicker - to allows mouse use without pressing buttons
  • Big calculator

Purchases are made on-line or on the telephone: 03719 100 100.

Included with the package is free telephone support to help you set up your computer for the first 30 days.


Refurbished computers/tablets/monitors/software

GreenIT is an Irish company who refurbished ex corporate and ex government IT equipment.

It also includes:

  • Installation of new operating systems
  • New Microsoft Refurbisher license supplied
  • Cleaned inside and out

Prices are displayed in Euro's.  This can be changed to UK £'s at the top of the page. Post to the UK.

TV Licence

Free to over 75's • Concessions to blind and disabled in residential homes

Free TV Licences are available to those over 75 years.

Over 60's and the disabled living in residential settings may obtain an ARC (Accommodation for Residential Care) concessionary licence. While the registered blind can obtain a 50% discount.

Water Costs

Capped water bills

Water Boards in England, Wales and Scotland are able to offer capped water bills to those with a disability or on certain benefits.

Before you apply you need to have a meter fitted. This is fairly straightforward and can be organised quickly. It is usually free of charge.

Once you have a water meter and if someone in your household gets benefits it may be possible to get the water bill capped.

To qualify for a cap on your water charges, you need to be getting benefits (such as Tax Credits) and either:

  • Have three or more children under the age of 19 or
  • Or you or someone in your household must have a medical condition that means they use a lot of extra water.((incontinence/in nappies etc)

Please note:  Each Water company has it's own criteria - do check with your local supplier for the exact conditions.

If you're accepted, your costs will be limited to the average household bill for your water company however much water you use. The company will then check each year to see if your situation remains the same.

To find out more information contact your local water supplier for an application form and further information.


Personal Wheelchair Budget 

If you are applying for a grant towards a wheelchair you may asked by the charity if you have a wheelchair voucher.

The Wheelchair Voucher Scheme has changed and is now called a Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB).

A PWB offers a wide choice for wheelchair users. These are available from you local wheelchair assessment centre.

f you are eligible for a wheelchair a clinician to identify what you want to achieve with your wheelchair.  You will be prescribed an NHS wheelchair and be told the cost of this provision. This is your Personal Wheelchair Budget .

You have the following choices on how to use your PWB:

  • NHS Provision (Notional) - to accept the wheelchair prescribed to meet your needs. The wheelchair will remain the property of the NHS.
  • Top-Up Alternative Wheelchair - to upgrade to an alternative model of wheelchair within the NHS range. The wheelchair will remain the property of the NHS.
  • Top-Up Accessories - to add additional features to the wheelchair provided with help of the clinician. The wheelchair and any additional features will remain the property of the NHS.
  • Third Party PWB - to choose a model of wheelchair outside of  the NHS range, provided it meets your needs, from an independent mobility provider.

The value of your budget will vary as the amount reflects the cost of basic wheelchair suitable for your needs.

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