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Boscombe Beach - Accessible Beach Huts

Accessible Beach Huts Boscombe Beach

Accessible Beach Huts Boscombe Beach

Bournemouth is really leading the way with their stunning accessible beach huts at Boscombe Beach.

They are the UK’s first purpose designed fully disabled accessible beach huts on the Boscombe beach front. Their design is amazing and very eye catching!

There are two huts each with space for up to four wheelchairs and the space has been designed to be flexible.

Each hut features:

Four folding chairs
Split level work surface
Gas stove
Lockable cupboards
Shared fresh drinking water tap

And for large groups the two huts can be converted into one large space.

The huts may be hired by individuals or disability groups.

The whole of the Boscombe beach area has had an accessible make over.

It now has a Changing Places toilet with an overhead hoist and changing bed. The key can be obtained from the Boscombe Beach Office which hires beach wheelchairs.

Boscombe also has electric mobility scooter charging points and improved accessible parking bays.

The seafront is accessed by a ramp or level access.

For more information and to check availability Telephone: 01202 451781

Comments for Boscombe Beach - Accessible Beach Huts

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Beach wheelchair?
by: SP

No information if there’s beach wheelchair available to get into the water?


by: Julia

I'm not sure on the availability of beach wheelchairs at this location. I wonder if someone local can chip in with a reply. Many thanks

beach wheelchairs
by: Anonymous

Yes according to the BCP website you can borrow on a first come first serve basis one of the 3 beach wheelchairs they have. £50 refundable cash deposit needed. Hope that helps

Not very Accessible
by: J Nicholas

Unable to book these beach huts just for the weekend or indeed a week as Bournemouth Council have made all of their beach huts available for 4 weeks at a time with a week in-between for comprehensive cleaning. Totally understand this after Covid.

But it is a poor decision to include the accessible beach huts for 4 weeks at a time too, as it would be nice for families with disabled users to access the beach huts for a shorter period of time with more frequency so more can benefit.

Hopefully they will review next year and help us all have a nice accessible holiday with more scope to access to these resources.


I totally agree J Nicholas as not many people go away for that length of time and it doesn't leave much option for other visitors.

Let's hope they review this to allow more people to use the beach huts.

"Accessible beach huts"
by: Anonymous

Not only can u not book these 4 huts for short periods, being disabled no longer gives you priority to book these huts!

BCP have now opened them up to anyone, so if you rely on a wheelchair be aware that gives you no priority over people with no disabilities at all

If you want to book these huts as advertised on their site, these are ACCESSIBLE huts but tough luck if you really need them, as you have no more chance than anyone else.

If anyone is in a position to contact the council about this, please do, as they seem to be completely unconcerned that the right people get no priority and it's a free-for-all!!


That's very disappointing to hear that. I think Bournemouth council need to rethink their terms and conditions. Julia

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