Welcome to the November 2022 edition of Disability Grants News - a monthly round up of highlights on the Disability Grants website and resources for anyone with a disability, caring for or working with disabled adults or children.
If you are new to the website and searching for grants please read the following pages before starting your search....
Adults- About Grants section
Children and Young People - Grants for Disabled Children - An Introduction
Here are some of this month’s updates and additions....
Grant News
- The Family Fund support disabled and seriously ill young people aged 18-24 years living at home through their “Your Opportunity” Fund.
- Inclusion Grants for deaf children and young people aged 5 – 18 years to be involved in events and activities. The grant is for up to £150 from the National Deaf Children’s Society.
- The Make a Change Fund offers funding up to £1,000
for deaf young people aged 8 to 25 years to create a project to improve their local area or address issues.
- Register your interest for 2023 accessible holidays for people with complex disabilities. The Sense Holidays are for adults and children. Each holidaymaker will be expected to pay £800 out a total cost of £2,500. Sense also offer short breaks.
- Ambitious about Autism connects and supports young people with Autism aged 16 to 25 years with an EHC Plan with an online community and supported internships.
- Pamis supports people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), their families, carers and professionals. It offers family support, training and family breaks.
- The Printing Charity provides help for individuals and their families for existing and past workers in the print, publishing, packaging and graphics sectors.
- St Andrew's Society offers support with regular and one-off grants to ladies in need living without dependants in the UK. Applicants must have very
limited savings.
- Increased funding from Ecas for the physically disabled living in Edinburgh and Lothians. For items and services not covered by statutory services.
- Student Carers in Scotland may be
eligible for a Dependant’s Grant from the Student Awards Agency in Scotland. The maximum grant up to £2,600 a year.
Cost of Living Grants
For Individuals check out our pages “Grants for Household Items” and “Energy Grants” for grants towards essential items and energy support.
The following are for Community groups running projects to help with the cost of living..
- Magic Breakfast provides nutritious breakfasts for children in the school environment. It supports schools in England and Scotland with high needs. It hopes to expand to Northern Ireland and Wales in the future.
- Grants
for primary schools in the UK from the Greggs Foundation for free breakfast clubs.
- The Asda Foundation are offering Cost of Living Grants to help community groups stay open. It has two options – one for help towards increased rent/utilities and the other for increased food costs support including meals and food parcels.
- The Aviva Community Fund will support causes helping individuals in need
through it’s “cost of Living Boost” for community projects aligned to its Financial Wellbeing funding area. It offers match funding £1 for £1 for donations made through Crowdfunder.
- Grants up to £2,000 are available from the Cosaraf Charitable Foundation to community groups (including schools and social services) supporting individuals and families who are in financial need. It’s hardship grants will also support individuals with small grants for household items and basic living expenses.
- The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust have established a Foodbank Trust to help with the cost of funding
additional food items and increased running costs. It is open to not-for-profit organisations set up before 1st January 2020. Closing date: 6th December 2022.
- Article on the “hidden” costs of raising a disabled child from Charity Today.
- Max Card has teamed up with FilmPass Club to offer up to 40% off cinema tickets. Search FilmPass on website.
- A Warrington based charity, Creating Adventures is releasing a Cookbook featuring tasty favourites from their members; adults with autism and additional needs. The £10 cookbook will be ready to order in December 2022 just in time for Christmas.
- Family Fund are offering an online iPad workshop to create a comic strip with a Christmas theme. Creating an online story can help children with ASC and other additional needs to develop greater social understanding and help them stay safe.
- Sight loss toolkit providing advice for people with sight loss and healthcare professionals.
- From Contact – Universal Credit for disabled students – what parents can do when their child is 16.
Please don't forget that Disability Grants is a shared resource where everyone helps each other..... So, do participate and share your knowledge and experiences.
Help and Be Helped
All the best
Julia Tyrrell
Founder of Disability Grants
Are there topics you would like the newsletter to cover? Tell us how Disability Grants can improve so we can help you more in the future.
Email: contact@disability-grants.org
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