Welcome to the July 2024 edition of Disability Grants News - a monthly round up of highlights on the Disability Grants website and resources for anyone with a disability, caring for or working with disabled adults or children.
If you are new to the website and searching for grants please read the following pages before starting your search....
Adults- About Grants section
Children and Young People - Grants for Disabled Children - An Introduction
And...Our most visited page Grants for Household Items.
Here are some of this month’s updates and additions....
Grant News
Individuals and Families
- The Dickie Bird Foundation provides grants for disadvantaged children for sport equipment and sports clothing. The Dickie Bird Foundation considers grants for all recognised sports.
- Mark Edwards Foundation offers financial assistance to young people with sporting ambitions for items such as clothing, equipment and club membership fees.
- Auto Cycle Union Bikesport GB supports individual members and their families during times of extreme hardship.
For UK (except Northern Ireland).
- The Family Action Welfare Grants programme will reopen on 10th July 2024. It funds essential personnel and household items to individuals and families on means tested benefits. It also supports holidays for women in London and educational support for parents/Carers on means tested benefits.
- Applications will open in September 2024 for The Churchill Fellowship’s two new programmes. It offers funding for 4 to 8 weeks learning from innovators in your chosen field. Open to all UK adult citizens regardless of qualifications,
background or age. These are offered in the fields of promoting long life health and supporting engagement in education.
- Mental Wellbeing Small Grants for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire for community groups supporting local people improve their mental wellbeing, which may help prevent suicide. Closing date: Friday 12th July 2024.
- The Farthing Trust funds projects in East Anglia and across the UK. It offers grants to organisations and individuals working to improve their community.
- Yolanda Moore Foundation
supports young people aged 15 to 24 years living in London, Dorset, Hampshire or Otago (NZ) with funding or practical support towards a personal or educational ambition or voluntary work.
- There are a few free tickets left for Contact’s online sensory processing workshop on Thursday 18th July 10am – 12pm for parent/carers in London and the Midlands.
- The Carer Support Payment which replaces the Carers Allowance in Scotland will be rolled out to Angus, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire this week. It pays £81.90 a week if you are eligible.
- The Henry Smith Charity will be reopening its Holiday Grants for Children programme on 12th July 2024. Organisations, schools and youth groups organising holidays for disabled children under 13 years or holidays for children who live in an area of high deprivation may apply.
- The Ironmongers’ Company offers funding support for projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people under 25 years. Projects must deliver educational benefits including Special Educational Needs, or foster social, emotional or life skills. Closing date: 31st July
- The House of Commons Committee for Levelling up, Housing and Communities has published a report "Disabled People in the Housing Sector" with recommendations to Government. It was published on 24th May 2024 and the Government has two months to respond. The full report can be downloaded from the UK Parliament website.
- Despite a lack of conversation about Disabled People throughout the election campaign you can send a message to the new Government by asking them to show their support for Disabled People by signing and sharing this petition.
Help raise money for Disability Grants with the purchase of our colouring books.
A Special Offer for the Summer Holidays...50% Discount on all Disability Grants publications.
Enter the Code: SUMMER24 at checkout.
“Everyone’s Different” has positive colouring images of children with additional needs. The images show children with physical, hearing and visual impairments.
For adults with Learning Difficulties, Alzheimer’s or Dementia we have Butterfly and Mandala colouring books.
Please don't forget that Disability Grants is a shared resource where everyone helps each other..... So, do participate and share your knowledge and experiences.
Help and Be Helped
All the best
Julia Tyrrell
Founder of Disability Grants
Are there topics you would like the newsletter to cover? Tell us how Disability Grants can improve so we can help you more in the future.
Email: contact@disability-grants.org
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