Welcome to the April 2022 edition of Disability Grants News - a monthly round up of highlights on the Disability Grants website and resources for anyone with a disability, caring for or working with disabled adults or children.
Here are some of this month’s updates and additions....
Updated Pages
Educational Grants for Schools
Grants and Loans for College
Grant News
Children and Young People
- Victa provide funding support for children and young adults up to 29 years who are registered or registrable as blind.
- Caudwell Children funds mobility, sports and sensory equipment for disabled children. It offers up to 80% funding. Apply online for support.
- The Snowdon Trust has increased it support to student who are physically disabled or/and have a sensory impairment to a maximum of £5,000.
Adults and Families
- Parkinson’s UK have introduced a new grants programme “Physical Activity Grants” to help people with Parkinson's be active. Closing date: 10th June 2022.
- Vegetarians for Life helps practising vegetarians and vegans over 60 years with grants to support independent living.
- Band of Builders offers support to those who work in the construction industry and their families who have life changing or life limiting circumstances such
as ill health or disability. Help may be practical or financial.
- The Miners’ Welfare Trust Funds operate in various coalfields across the country to help former miners and their families with the disadvantage from disability, ill health or financial hardship. It can help access funding and convalescence breaks.
- Laughololgy’s Happiness Fund is open for applications to support projects which improve mental health, wellbeing, inclusion and learning. It will provide £2,500 a quarter to grassroots organisations that are set up for and by the local community.
- The Wakeham Trust provide grants from £125 to £2,500 to very small community projects that are starting up and need money to get started. It helps projects that find it hard to get support from other sources.
- Funding for secondary and primary schools in England with grants up to £5,000 for projects that include wellbeing and
mental health, equality, diversity and inclusion from the Ormiston Trust. Closing date: 4th May 2022.
- The next deadline for small UK charities to apply for grants towards websites and digital products from the Fat Beehive Foundation is 30th June 2022.
- The essential “Disabled Children – A Legal Handbook” is an accessible guide to the legal rights of children and their families in England. All twelve chapters are available for download from the Council for Disabled Children. Hard copies are available for purchase.
- The Carers Allowance has been increased to £69.70 a week if you care for someone at least 35 hours a week. Contact explains how you can work and still get Carer’s Allowance with the “earnings limit” of £132 a week for parents of disabled children.
- A shout out to Clare Tawell for creating inclusive dolls for kids. The collections include dolls with cleft lips, Down’s Syndrome, feeding tubes and hearing aids as well as many others. The dolls can be purchased through Bright Ears – a non-profit company.
- Sensory Packs (worth £120) for children aged 0-18 years are available from Caudwell Children for £20. Children must have a confirmed disability or chronic illness and household income must be below £45,000 per years (before tax, excluding benefits).
- Charlottes Tandems offers free tandem and tag-along hire to anyone with a disability or additional need. They are available to borrow from a large number of locations around the UK.
- A Blue Light Card offers savings on the high street
and online to members of the emergency services, social care employees, veterans and retired members of the emergency services.
Please don't forget that Disability Grants is a shared resource where everyone helps each other..... So, do participate and share your knowledge and experiences.
Help and Be Helped
All the best
Julia Tyrrell
Founder of Disability Grants
Are there topics you would like the newsletter to cover? Tell us how Disability Grants can improve so we can help you more in the future.
Email: contact@disability-grants.org
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